<aside> đź’ˇ BIG IDEA: A life well lived never stops praying.


Discussion Guide


What is one amazing way you’ve seen God answer a prayer of yours within the past year?


READ James 5:13-20

ASK: In verses 13-14, what does James exhort Christians to do in response to their circumstances? Why does he exhort them to respond in these ways?

In verses 14-15, why would James urge the sick person to seek prayer from the elders (pastors) of the church?

Looking at verses 15-16, why might James connect confession and forgiveness of sin with sickness and healing? Is sickness always a result of sin? (Hint: read John 9:1-3.)

<aside> 📌 Note: The exact meaning of verses 14-16 has been debated among interpreters of Scripture. Some would argue that these verses only refer to a sick person being “saved” and “raised up” when Jesus returns and raises the dead. Others argue that these verses indicate a person will always be physically healed if they have enough faith. However, neither of these two extremes fit the context of these verses or what is taught elsewhere in Scripture.

Most likely, these verses are meant as an exhortation to pray boldly and full of faith, trusting that God will answer that prayer and care for the person who is sick. While God’s answer might not always be physical healing, God can and does heal, and so believers ought to boldly ask Him for healing.


READ 1 Kings 17:1 and 18:41-46. Why does James use Elijah as an example for what bold prayer looks like? How does remembering that “Elijah was a man like us” change the way you read this story about answered prayer?

Why does James close out this section on prayer (and his entire letter) with an encouragement to seek out those who have walked away from God?

<aside> ✝️ Gospel Connection: How should Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection provide us with faith that our prayers will be heard and answered?

How should Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection provide us with faith that when we confess our sin to God and one another, that we will be forgiven?



ASK: What prayers have you been praying and have not yet seen God answer? Are there any prayers you are afraid to pray?

What keeps you from praying and asking big things of God?

What does the fact that God invites you to ask big things of Him tell you about His character? How can remembering His character embolden your prayer life?

Thinking back through all the ways that James describes a life well lived for the glory of God and the good of others, how should you seek to align your prayers with what God desires?