<aside> đź’ˇ BIG IDEA: A life well lived gives extravagantly.


Discussion Guide


Aside from family members and pets, what is the most precious thing in your house that you would try to save if your house caught fire?


READ James 5:1-6.

<aside> 📌 Note: In this section, James condemns those who are rich and oppress the poor, likely imitating how the Old Testament prophets would pronounce condemnation on behalf of God to those who were wicked and faced God’s imminent judgment (see Amos 1:3-2:3). Unlike previous sections where James addresses those within the church, bringing correction, most likely James is addressing non-Christians who are oppressing Christian here (see James 2:6-7) because he does not offer a hope of repentance as he does when correcting Christians.

While his condemnation may be for those outside the church, James likely includes this in the letter as a word of warning for any within the church who would seek to be like the ungodly, unjust rich people in the world.


ASK: What specific ways does James condemn the rich? Is he saying that having money and possessions is sinful? Why or why not?

What point is James making in verse 2-3 when he describes the possessions of the rich falling into decay? What warning is he giving about the danger of accumulating wealth and possessions?

According to verses 4-6, how was the wealth of the people James condemns built on injustice and abuse? Why is God’s judgment for these rich people so severe?

<aside> ✝️ Gospel Connection: READ 2 Corinthians 8:1-9. How does Paul’s description of Jesus’ love for us contrast with how James describes the wickedness of the rich? How should the gospel compel us to live lives of extravagant generosity?



ASK: When you think about how you acquire and use your money and possessions, does James’ warning to the rich give you pause? Why or why not?

How much security do you find in how much you make or what you own? Why?

How often do you use what you have to bless others? What keeps you from giving more?

Considering that Jesus is coming back (i.e. that we are living in the “last days,” see James 5:3b) and that everything in this world will soon pass away to make room for a New Heavens and New Earth, how does that change the value you put on your own financial security and material comfort?


ASK: What would it look like for you to practice extravagant generosity this week? Who can you bless with the riches that God has given to you to steward?


RESPOND: Take time as a GROUP to thank Jesus for how He, though He was rich, emptied Himself and gave everything for us so that we might have everything in Him.